Monday, June 25, 2012

Day 26: Massive Uzbek Vocabulary and Grammar Review for Midterm

Assalomu alaykum!

REVIEW TIME! Tomorrow is our midterm for Elementary Uzbek. Technically we will have completed 1 semester's worth of material. Wow, this program has gone fast! Very productive day in class today getting all kinds of vocab and grammar review fresh in our minds again and onto online written resources. Today's post is a collection of those resources, whether for my classmates or anyone following interested in learning Uzbek.

Let me tell ya, Uzbek learners out there, Uzbek Brian's your place to come! For many other languages etc you'd have to pay for this stuff. Thinking of selling a companion guide actually to my textbook, no kidding. We shall see!

Let's start with the major Uzbek grammar and language points, all summarized into a printable PDF below or available here if you are having trouble viewing it.

Next, here's a ton of Uzbek flashcard sets on various topics useful for review:

That's it for tonight, quite a lot to take in, but hopefully you find these useful or interesting! Please leave a comment below if you are reading or participating in review here on my site, it helps me to know that this time is spent to good use. Much love!


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