Sunday, January 15, 2012

Free Online Uzbek Resource Collection

Quality language learning material is absolutely essential for teaching oneself a foreign language. These days we are fortunate to be able to harness the power of the internet and gain access to thousands of free websites and documents for just about every language.

The abundance of the internet is a double-edged sword: sometimes the endless amount of choices makes it difficult to pinpoint worthwhile material for your self-study. Luckily, since Uzbek is a less commonly taught language, the sea of resources can be automatically narrowed down, almost making Uzbek material simpler to find.

This page will house links to the Uzbek language learning materials I've found and will hopefully be updated with any new discoveries. If you know of a website, video, course, network or any other Uzbek-related  resource that's not listed here, or find a broken link, please feel free to comment below or email me at uzbekbrian at gmail dot com.

I've scoured the web and found a lot of surprisingly good stuff, enjoy!

Learn Uzbek Online for Free: Brian's Uzbek Resource Collection

Main Coursebooks
DLI Uzbek Textbook (Recommended)
Peace Corps Uzbek Language Competency (Recommended)

Multimedia Practice
* DLI Field Support Uzbek Language Survival Kit (Recommended)
* Uzbek Conversational Dialogues from IUB (Flash) (Recommended)
Uzbek Intermediate Reading and Listening Project (Flash) 
Uzbek Intermediate Video and Audio Modules (Flash) 
GLOSS Modules from the Defense Language Institute (Recommended)
DLI Uzbek Headstart Course 
DLI Uzbek Familiarization Modules 
My Languages Uzbek Audio
* Sample Lesson 2 of Uzbek Module from IUB (Flash)

Basic Essays
Wikipedia Uzbek 
NVTC Languages of the World Uzbek 
UCLA Language Materials Project Uzbek 
Omniglot Uzbek 
Transparent Language Uzbek 
* Introduction to the Uzbek Language

Useful Web Pages
* Introduction to Uzbek Structures Mini-Course (Recommended)
* Uzbek-English, English-Uzbek Online Dictionary (Recommended)
* Excellent Uzbek Thematic Vocab Glossary (with Grammar Info)
* Concise Thematic Dictionary Indiana Univeristy (Recommended)
* GBarto's Uzbek Minicourse 
* GBarto's Self Talk Uzbek Course with Vocab Mnemonics
* Simple Uzbek-English Vocabulary List 
* Uzbek Tense/Aspect/Modality System
* Great Example of Spoken Uzbek on YouTube 
* Useful Uzbek Phrases 
* My Languages Uzbek Phrases 
* Uzbek Language Flashcards & PDFs
* BBC Uzbek Audio 
* Uzbek Wikibooks (Intro, Grammar, 2 Lessons Finished)
* Global Recordings Network Uzbek 
* Uzbek Language Phrases 
* Brief Information on Uzbek Language (Flash)
* Uzbekistan Country and Language Profile (Flash)
* Uzbek Cyrillic and Latin Alphabet Chart

Other Files
Introduction to Uzbek: An Elementary Textbook
A Comparative Study of Two Altaic Languages: Uzbek and Korean 

Authentic Practice
BBC Uzbek 
Voice of America Uzbek 
Uzbek Wikipedia

Book Ideas for Purchase
Uzbek: An Elementary Textbook 
Hippocrene Uzbek-English/English-Uzbek Phrasebook and Dictionary
Modern Literary Uzbek
Dunwoody Press Uzbek Textbook 

Thank you to the following pages for your contributions:
So You Want to Learn a Language: Uzbek 
Links 4 Languages: Uzbek 


  1. Good job man !
    I love this site !
    If you need some help or some books about learning Uzbek Language feel free to ask me.

    Best regards
    Ziyo from uzbekistan.

    1. Hurmatli Ziyo,
      Arizonadan O'zbekistonga assalomu alaykum! Yaxshimisiz? Thanks for checking out my site & for commenting. Great to hear from you! Feel free to email me at if you like.
      Ko'rishguncha xayr,
      Brian Greco

  2. Barakalla, Brian!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Blogni o'qib juda ham quvondim. ;) Good luck to you, brilliant boy!!!!!!
