Thursday, June 14, 2012

Day 15: Uzbek Chapters 3 Review and Vocab, Test Tomorrow

Assalomu alaykum!

Cool view of Uzbek architecture and landscape
Test tomorrow! Coming towards the end of week 2 and am preparing for my second exam on chapters 3 and 4. Had a pretty productive day, lots of class discussion and been busy also with a lot of writing too. Had a nice dinner using up some ripe fruit also, kind of fun. Went to the shared kitchen in Hayden West. Other than that, here at the library now doing major "get this done" work on Chapters 3 and 4, so here is what I came up with.

Download Chapter 2 notes as a PDF here.

Elementary Uzbek Textbook Chapter 3: Ismingiz Nima? Introductions

Continuing on with my run through of key notes from lessons in Nigora Azimova's Uzbek: An Elementary Textbook for my Critical Languages program at ASU.

Yangi Darsni Boshlaymiz (Let's Get Started)

Key Dialogue 1

A: Assalomu alaykum.
B: Vaalaykum assalom. Ismingiz nima?
A: Anna.
B: Qayerdansiz?
A: Amerikadanman.
B: Talabamisiz?
A: Ha, talabaman.

Loose English Translation 2

A: Hello (greeting).
B: Hello (response). What is your name?
A: Anna.
B: Where are you from?
A: I am from America.
B: Are you a student?
A: Yes, I am a student.

Key Dialogue 2

A: Salom, yaxshimisiz? Ismingiz nima?
B: Yaxshi, rahmat. Ismim Laylo. Sizniki-chi?
A: Meniki Dilshod.
B: Tanishganimdan xursandman.
A: Men ham.

Loose English Translation 

A: Hi, how are you? What is your name?
B: Good, thank you. My name is Laylo. And yours?
A: Mine is Dilshod.
B: Pleased to meet you.
A: Me too.

Key Dialogue 5

A: Assalomu alaykum, Madina opa.
B: Ha, Lolaxon, yaxshi yuribsizmi?
A: Yaxshi, rahmat. Madina opa, bu kishi mening turmush o'rtog'im, Zafar aka bo'ladilar.
B: Yaxshimisiz, Zafarjon?
A: Xudoga shukur. O'zingiz yaxshi yuribsizmi?

Loose English Translation 5

A: Hello (greeting), Ms. Madina.
B: Yes, Ms. Lola, how's everything?
A: Good, thanks. Ms. Madina, this person is my spouse, Mr. Zafar.
B: How are you, Mr. Zafar?
A: Good, thank goodness. And yourself, how's everything?

Cultural Notes

Instead of Mr./Ms./Mrs., Uzbek uses honorific ending aka and opa which literally mean "older brother" and "older sister" to respectfully address someone, and it comes after the name. For example: Alisher aka, "Mr. Alisher" or Hulkar opa, "Ms. Hulkar".

The suffix -xon is added to an Uzbek woman of younger or same age as the speaker, like with "Lolaxon" in the dialogue. The ending - jon is used in this same situation for males, for example "Karimjon".

Key Introduction Phrases

Ismingiz nima?= What is your name?
Ismim... = My name is...
Tanishganimdan xursandman. = Pleased to meet you.
Sizniki-chi? = And yours?
Bu mening... = This is my... (friend/spouse/etc)

Diqqat, Qoida (Language Points)

Ablative Case -dan
This suffix is added to the end of a noun to indicate action away from something or someone. It can be expressed in English as "from", "out of", "off", and so on. For example:

kutubxona = library (lit: book-room)
kutubxonadan = from the library
Toshkent = Tashkent (Uzbek capital)
Toshkentdan = from Tashkent
men = I/me
mendan = from me

Also important to note:

Qayer = root for "where"
Qayerdan = where from
Qayerdansiz? = Where are you from?
Qayerdansizlar? = Where are you (pl) from?
Men ...dan = I am from ...
Men ...dan emasman = I am not from ...
U ...dan = He/she/it is from ...
And so on.

Place of Origin

The -lik suffix in Uzbek creates a word for a person from a particular place, whether to be used as a noun or as an adjective sometimes as well.

This is used where a root word for a given ethnicity is not already used to mean in English "person from", "-ish/ese person", or "" (sort of archaic, but the same idea).

Mainly I have noticed it used for countries whose nationality is not also a true ethnicity, such as America, Canada, Australia, and so on. Also, these ethnicity and language words are not capitalized in Uzbek.

Examples without -lik:

O'zbekiston / o'zbek / o'zbekcha = Uzbekistan / Uzbek (person) / Uzbek (language)
Angliya / ingliz/ inglizcha = England / English(man) (person) / English (language)
Fransiya / fransuz / fransuzcha = France / French(man) (person) / French (language)

Examples with -lik:

Amerika / amerikalik = America / American (person/descriptor)
Kanada / kanadalik = Canada / Canadian (person/descriptor)
Avstraliya / avstraliyalik = Australia / Australian (person/descriptor)


ham = also (used after the noun or pronoun it refers to)
Ex: Brian ham biroz xitoycha gapiradi. = Brian also speaks a little Chinese.

va = and (joins two or more concepts, cannot start sentence)
Ex: Mening otam, onam, va opam bor. = I have a father, mother, and older sister.

lekin = but (preceded by comma)
Ex: John Amerikadan, lekin hozir O'zbekistanda yashaydi. = John is from America, but now lives in Uzbekistan.

chunki = because (also preceded by comma)
Ex: U band, chunki u talaba. = He is busy because he is a student.

Keling, Suhbatlashaylik (Language in Use)

Useful Practice Dialogue

A: Kechirasiz, Lolamisiz?
B: Yo'q, men Feruza, Lola emasman. Mana bu qiz Lola.
A: Lola, yaxshimisiz? Bu sizning kitobingizmi?
C: Voy! Ha, bu mening kitobim. Katta rahmat!
A: Arzimaydi.
C: Ismingiz nima?
A: Ismim Jamshid.
C: Talabamisiz?
A: Ha, shu yerda o'qiyman.
C: Bu Feruza, dugonam.
A: Tanishganimdan xursandman.
B: Men ham. Siz Toshkentdanmisiz?
A: Yo'q, Andijonman. Siz-chi?
B: Men Buxorodanman. Lola Namangandan.
A: Juda yaxshi.
C: Kitob uchun katta rahmat!
A: Arzimaydi. Mayli, bo'pti.
B/C: Xo'p, rahmat.

Practice Talking about Countries

A: Tom, siz qayerdansiz?
B: Texasdanman.
A: Texas chiroylimi?
B: Ha, menimcha juda chiroyli.
A: Texasda odamlar qaysi tillarda gapiradilar?
B: Ingliz tilida.
A: Ispan tilida-chi?
B: Ha, ispan tilida ham gapiradilar.

Asl O'zbekcha (Uzbek Realia)

Cultural Notes
Uzbek has various dialects depending on the part of the country which vary slightly.
Here are some differences between standard and Tashkent dialects:

men >> man = I
Qandaysiz? >> Qalaysiz? = How are you?
ism >> ot = name
ota >> ada = father
ona >> oyi = mother

Demographic-wise, Uzbekistan consists of around 80% Uzbeks, 5.5% Russians, 5% Tajiks, 3% Kazakhs, 2.5% Karakalpaks, 1.5% Tatars, and 2.5% other. Uzbek is the official language of Uzbekistan but many representatives from other nationalities use and speak other languages, particularly Russian.

Muomola Odobi (Social Interaction)

Tanishuv (Introductions)

Bu kishi kim bo'ladilar? = Who is this person?
O'zimni tanishtirishga ruxsat eting. = Let me introduce myself.
Ismingiz nima? = What is your name?
Familyangiz nima? = What is your family name?

Javob (Response)

Bu kishi Nozim aka, o'qituvchimiz. = This person is Nozim, our teacher.
Ismim Jamshid. = My name is Jamshid.
Alimov. Men Ravshan akaning o'g'liman.  = (My family name is) Alimov. I am Ravshan's son.

Uzbek Names

Most Uzbek names come from Turkic, Persian, and Arabic roots. Female names generally end in the vowel "a" and male names generally end in a consonant.

Example female names: Farida, Sevara, Lola, Feruza
Example male names: Alisher, Sherzod, Otabek, Azamat

Writing Letters in Uzbek

Here are some key phrases for correspondence, loosely translated:
Hurmatli ... = Esteemed ... (opening)
Qadrli ... = Dear ...
Yaxshimisiz? = How are you?
Ishalringiz yaxshimi? = How is your work going?
Uychilaringiz yaxshi yurishibdimi? = How is your family?
Javobingiz kutib qolaman. = Looking forward to your response.
Xat yozib turing. = Keep in touch. salomlarimni yetkazing. = Say hello to ...
Salom bilan = Best regards (lit: with peace)

So there we have it for main points for Lesson 2. Again you can download it as a PDF here for printing or studying on the go.

Tomorrow, chapter 4! You can preview it here if need be.


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