About these lessons: My Uzbek summer language program is approaching in just under a month and I wanted to get started with some self-study so I'm a little bit ahead of the game when I arrive. My goal is to run through the 20 lessons in my Uzbek textbook available free here by the Defense Language Institute before the end of the month in addition to some extra practice with Uzbek culture and grammar.
Here are my notes and exercises for the second lesson today.
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Yashlash va ishlash |
Lesson 2: Living and Working
uy = general term for house or home of any type
hovli = older, traditional brick Uzbek home with courtyard
karavot, so'ri = tables in courtyard for eating, conversation
apartment = kvartira (Ru.)
apartment building = dom (Ru.)
room = xona
home/house = uy/hovli
military camp = lashkargoh
tent = palatka (Ru.)
barracks = kazarma (Ru.)
hotel = mehmonxona
big/large = katta
small/little = kichik
Section 3
1. Abbos lashkargohda palatkada yashaydi.
Abbos lives in a tent in the military camp.
2. Abdulla aka kichik kvartirada yashaydi.
Mr. Abdulla lives in a small apartment.
3. Otabek va Muhabbat Buxoroda katta hovlida yashaydilar.
Otabek and Muhabbat live in a large house in Bukhara.
4. Odil mehmonxonada yashaydi.
Odil lives (is staying) in the hotel.
5. Doniyor va Ahmad kazarmada yashaydilar.
Doniyor and Ahmad live in the barracks.
6. Abbos va Xurshid bizning uyimizda yashaydilar.
Abbos and Xurshid live in our home.
yoki = or (same use as in English)
Example sentence: Do you live in a tent or in the barracks?
Formal: Siz palatkada yoki kazarmada yashaysizmi?
Informal: Siz palatkada yashaysizmi, yoki kazarmadami?
1. A: Siz hovlida yoki kvartirada yashaysizmi?
B: Men hovlida yashsayma.
A: Do you (sf) live in a house or in an apartment?
B: I live in a house.
2. A: Ular mehmonxonada yoki domda yashaydilarmi?
B: Ular domda yashaydilar.
A: Do they live in a hotel or in an apartment complex?
B: They live in an apartment complex.
Section 6
1. Siz, palatka/kazarma
Siz palatkada yoki kazarmada yashaysizmi?
2. Ular, mehmonxona/uy
Ular mehmonxonada yoki uyda yashaydilarmi?
3. U, dom/lashkargoh
U domda yoki lashkargohda yashaydimi?
4. Sen kazarma/uy
Sen kazarmada yoki uyda yashaysanmi?
5. Biz kvartira/mehmonxona
Biz kvartirada yoki mehmonxonada yashaymizmi?
There is no word for "to have".
bor = exists (use noun which is possessed + bor)
Uzbek: Sizning uyingiz bor.
Literal: Your house exists.
English: You have a house.
yo'q = does not exist, no (opposite)
Uzbek: Mening kvartiram yo'q.
Literal: My apartment does not exist.
English: I do not have an apartment.
Cool way of expressing things, isn't it?
Section 9
1. Mening uyim bor.
2. Sizning kvartirangiz bor.
3. Sening kvartirang bor.
4. Uning kvartirayi bor.
5. Bizning palatkamiz bor.
6. Sizlarning palatkangiz bor.
7. Ularning palatkayi bor.
The economy of Uzbekistan is not robust, work hard to find.
Taxi-drivers, bazaar vendors, or day laborers (mardikorlar) are popular.
Men are usually breadwinners, women take care of home or nurse/teacher.
profession = kasb
doctor = vrach (Ru.)
nurse = hamshira
laborer = ishchi (think: "do/make"-er)
teacher = o'qituvchi
student = talaba (think: Taliban)
soldier = soldat (Ru.)
mechanic = mexanik (cognate)
farmer = dehqon
police officer = militsiyoner (Ru.)
waitress = ofitsiantka (Ru.)
waiter = ofitsiant (Ru.)
interpretrer = tarjimon
+lar = plural suffix
Possessive/preposition suffixes follow it
For example:
ism = name
ismlar = names
ismlarim = my names
ismlarimda = in my names
So overall order is: noun+plural+possesive+case
End of Lesson Tasks
Section 1
Mening ismim Brian. Men amerikalikman. Men Pensilvaniadanman. Men Malvernda uyimda yashayman. Men o'qituvchiman.
Section 3
1. A: Mening ismim Feruz.
Q: (Sizning) ismingiz nima?
2. A: Men O'zbekistondanman.
Q: Siz qayerdansiz?
3. A: Ha, Samarqandda yashayman.
Q: Siz Samarqandda yashaysizmi?
4. A: Mening hovlim yo'q. Mening kvartiram bor.
Q: Sizning hovlingiz yoki kvartirangiz bormi?
5. A: Ha, men mexanikman.
Q: Siz mexanikmisiz?
That's it for lesson 2.
Click here to go forward to lesson 3.
Click here to go back to lesson 1.
It's interesting. I see some similarities to Persian, Arabic, and Turkish. Some of similar words in Persian:
ReplyDeleteSmall = kichik = kuchak
Hotel = mehmunxonada = mehmankhane
Kindness = muhabbat (female name as well )= mohabbat
And = va = va
Sun = Xurshid (female name as well) = khorshid
Student = talabe = talabe ( in Arabic) and you’re right the same root as taleban
Name = ism = esm
Good luck Brian!
Masood Tavalla
Hey Masood,
DeleteThanks so much for the awesome comment!
It is really cool to see similarities in languages.
Uzbek has a bunch of Persian, Russian, and Arabic loanwords for sure.
Persian is definitely on my list to learn (as well as Tajik!) :)
I got so much to learn from your blog. It was excellent and very informative. It's useful piece of info.