Assalomu alaykum!
About these lessons: My Uzbek summer language program is approaching in just under a month and I wanted to get started with some self-study so I'm a little bit ahead of the game when I arrive. My goal is to run through the 20 lessons in my Uzbek textbook
available free here by the Defense Language Institute before the end of the month in addition to some extra practice with Uzbek culture and grammar.
Here are my notes and exercises for the third lesson today.
Haftaning kunlari, raqamlar, va yoshning ifodalanishi |
Lesson 3: Days of the Week, Numbers, Ages of People
Days of the Week
Monday = dushanba*
Tuesday = seshanba
Wednesday = chorshanba
Thursday = payshanba
Friday = juma
Saturday = shanba**
Sunday = yakshanba
* Think: Dushanbe, the capital of Tajikistan, which actually means Monday in Persian.
** Think: sounds a bit like "shabbat" or "sabbath" for Judaeo-Christian "Saturday".
Days of the week are not capitalized in Uzbek.
kun = day
bugun = today (think: "this-day")
qaysi = which
Q: Bugun qaysi kun?
A: Bugun payshanba.
Q: What day is today?
A: Today is Thursday.
+da (in/on/at suffix) is NOT used ex. for "on Sunday".
Instead, add +i third person possesive after kun.
Ex: yashanba kuni, "on Sunday"
Think: Sunday as adj. preceding/modifying "day", literally "Sunday day's".
telefon = telephone
raqam, nomer (Ru.) = number
necha = what, how many
Uzbek phone numbers are 6 or 7 digits. XXX-XX-XX or XX-XX-XX
Ex: 123-45-67 read as "one hundred twenty-three, forty-five, sixty-seven"
Uzbek Numbers 1-10
0 = nol
1 = bir
2 = ikki
3 = uch
4 = to'rt
5 = besh
6 = olti
7 = yetti
8 = sakkiz
9 = to'qqiz
10 = o'n
A: What is your telephone number?
A: Telefon raqamangiz necha?
B: My telephone number is 45-67-93.
B: Telefon raqamim 45-67-93.
A: What is your house number?
A: Uy raqamingiz necha?
B: My house number is 10456.
B: Uy raqamim 10456.
For numbers 11-19, add o'n for "ten", followed by single digit. Hence:
Uzbek Numbers 11-19
11 = o'n bir
12 = o'n ikki
13 = o'n uch
14 = o'n to'rt
15 = o'n besh
16 = o'n olti
17 = o'n yetti
18 = o'n sakkiz
19 = o'n to'qqiz
Uzbek Numbers 20-29
20 = yigirma
21 = yigirma bir
22 = yigirma ikki
23 = yigirma uch
24 = yigirma to'rt
25 = yigirma besh
26 = yigirma olti
27 = yigirma yetti
28 = yigirma sakkiz
29 = yigirma to'qqiz
Section 10
1. Mening ismim Sayorra. Men Toshkentda yashayman. Men ofitsiantkaman. Mening hovlim bor. Mening uy raqamim yigirma bir.
My name is Sayorra. I live in Tashkent. I am a waitress. I have a house. My house number is 21.
2. Odil soldat. U domda yashaydi. Uning uy raqami yigirma besh.
Odil is a soldier. He lives in an apartment complex. His house number is 25.
3. Uning ismi Nafisa. U o'qituvchi. U hovlida yashaydi. Uning uy raqami o'n olti.
Her name is Nafisa. She is a teacher. She lives in a house. Her house number is 16.
4. Samarqandda Otabek va Nasibaning uyi bor. Ularning uy raqami o'n to'rt.
Otabek and Nasiba have a house in Samarkand. Their house number is 14.
Uzbek Numbers: 30-100
30 = o'ttiz
40 = qirq
50 = ellik
60 = oltmish
70 = yetmish
80 = sakson
90 = to'qson
100 = yuz
yosh = age
Q: Uzbek: Siz necha yoshdasiz?
Q: English: How old are you?
Q: Literal: What age are you at?
A: Uzbek: Men yigirma to'rt yoshdaman.
A: English: I am twenty-four years old.
A: Literal: I am at the age twenty-four.
As for me: Men o'n oltii yoshdaman.
I am sixteen years old.
End of Lesson Tasks
Section 1
A. Salom, mening ismim Abbos. Men yigirma olti yoshdaman. Men militsiyonerman.
Hello, my name is Abbos. I am twenty-six years old. I am a police officer.
B. Uning ismi Doniyor. U qirq yoshda. U soldat.
His name is Doniyor. He is forty years old. He is a soldier.
C. Uning ismi Rayhon. U qirq to'rt yoshda. U o'qituvchi.
His(her?) name is Rayhon. He(she?) is forty-four years old. He(she?) is a teacher.
* Does anyone have any resources on Uzbek names, and if they are female or male? I am not familiar with them, and since the Uzbek third-person pronoun u does not distinguish gender, it is difficult to translate these sentences. Drop me a comment if you have any ideas.
Section 2
Ask what day it is:
Bugun qaysi kun?
Say what day it is today:
Bugun juma.
Ask someone's age:
Siz necha yoshdasiz?
Say how old you are:
Men o'n olti yoshdaman.
That's it for lesson 3.
Click here to go forward to lesson 4.
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